These details are given to guide persons wishing to undertake the Yatra and warn them of its arduous nature!
Distances chart
Date September 2013 Km
9th. Allahabad to Chitrakoot-- 131
10th Chitrkoot to Nemisaranya via
Allahabad,Lucknow------ - - 417
11th Nemisaranya to Ayodhya 212
12th Ayodhyato Bhairawa------- 189
13th Bairawa to Kathmandu------ 294
14th Kathmandu to Pokhara------ 203
15th Pokahra to Jomsom by Air
and by zeep toMukthinath.
16th Jomsom to Pokahra by air,and
halt due to Nepal bandh
17th Pokhara to Chitwan---------- -135
18th Chitwan to Janakpur----- ---- 246
19th Janakpur to Gorakhpur--- - -367
add diversons to Nandigram,
Ganjendramokshastal etc- 100
TOTAL- ------------------------------ -2294